Dewdrop Yoga
In mystical Judaism the word for “Dew” in Hebrew signifies “divine nourishment in a hidden manner.” That is exactly what is behind each yoga posture: a subtle way to tap into your mind, emotions, and soul. While my main goal is to share the deeper aspects of yoga, I take great care to set up your yoga postures to be comfortable and effective. This class is inspired by Ananda Yoga® and my diverse yoga, fitness, and dance background. Get ready to recharge and relax your body with these unique yoga postures and use positive affirmations to enhance your yoga experience.
Avital is available for private sessions.

Yin Yoga
Yin yoga is a very relaxing and healing practice intended to strengthen your joints, ligaments and fascia. Stretching yoga postures are held for a longer period of time to stimulate the connective tissues more deeply and practice the art of stillness. That stillness can lead towards stress reduction, healing the immune system, and greater awareness of yourself. During this practice Avital offers hands on touch to help you get deeper into the positions, and activate your meridian lines to improve flow of energy in the body and functioning of the internal organs. A great way to end the day!
Avital is available for private sessions.
Private Yoga Sessions
Book a 1-1 yoga session to get a personally designed yoga practice for your body type, the feedback to make sure you are in a safe and effective alignment throughout your practice, and motivation to maintain the habit and exceed your potential.
Previous Retreats and Programs
Tools for Success: How to Create a Recharging Habit - Weekend Retreat
January 9-11, 2015, at The Expanding Light Retreat
Whether for New Year’s resolutions or long-standing desires, the question arises: How do I accomplish these goals? How do I achieve my desired success?
This program is designed to help you clarify your goals and how to accomplish them. I will lead you through a step-by-step guide for creating a positive new habit that will recharge your life. This will involve physical actions, emotional shifts, mental focus, and spiritual practices.
During this weekend, you will gain help to:
Refine your goals
Reveal your blocks and how to move past them
Assess if your current habits are recharging
Discover helpful ways to cultivate a new habit
Restorative Yoga - Weekend Retreat
November 21-23, 2014, at The Expanding Light Retreat
Restorative yoga is safe, nurturing, and systematic, and helps you, effortlessly, to relax and release deep tension. You’ll rest, supported by pillows and folded blankets, in poses designed to open areas of the body where most tensions are stored. This practice is ideal for those with physical tension and pain, or mental tension and anxiety. (Can you think of anyone who wouldn’t benefit from it?)
You’ll also learn some basic principles to help you gain more from the exercises, including how to:
Consciously release stress and old habits of body, mind, and spirit
Work with the chakras (subtle energy centers), through the poses, to aid deep healing
Use breathing exercises, sacred music, meditation, and visualization to enhance your experience
Easily practice your restorative yoga at home
How to Bring Meditation into Daily Life - Weekend Retreat
May 29-31, 2015, at The Expanding Light Retreat
Meditation brings feelings of peace, joy, and love. Whether or not you meditate regularly, you surely want those feelings throughout your day. This weekend will help you understand the science of yoga and meditation, so that you’ll know how to access those wonderful qualities in your daily experiences. You can begin to access a sense of greater inner freedom in all parts of your life.
During this weekend you will gain tools to:
Touch the deeper wisdom beneath your feelings and experiences
Access your intuition and to test it throughout your day
Maintain your love, calmness, and happiness in all circumstances
Actively practice the presence of God throughout your day
Keep your energy and consciousness high
The Answer Is Within - Weekend Retreat
February 20–22, 2015, at The Expanding Light Retreat
How often have you felt that you've finally found just what you need to be happy, only to experience disappointment or boredom later on? Do your moods change depending on what is happening in your life? Do you find yourself caught in repetitive cycles of the same challenges again and again?
Do you want better relationships with others or better health? Would you like to improve your intuition and find the answers you need?
The answers you seek are within you right now. During this weekend you will learn how to find them.

Bhagavad Gita Book Study Group
Let us take a voyage through the sacred texts together; not to go back in time, but rather to discover how this universal ancient wisdom can spark the answers we need to live more fully today. Explore how these teachings can help in every area of life: work, family, relationships, emotions, spirituality… We will start by studying the book The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita, which shares the interpretation of this scripture by Paramhansa Yogananda, author of the bestselling classic Autobiography of a Yogi. We will start each session with a brief meditation and then review the text from that week’s reading. I will share some thoughts and encourage group discussion and introspection. Click here to buy a book. To find out each week’s reading assignment, please contact me at dewdropyoga@gmail.com. I look forward to going on this voyage with you!
Yoga and Relaxation Sensory Experience
March 6, 6-8pm, Inocence Dance & Fitness, 7625 W Hampden Ave, Lakewood, CO
Get fit in body, mind and spirit through an aligned yoga practice called Dewdrop Yoga with your local yoga expert Avital Miller.
Dive into a relaxed state as Yoga Therapy pioneer Nicole DeAvilla guides you.
Enjoy the scents of DoTerra essential oils to help renew and refresh your soul.

How to Love and Be Loved Monthly Experiences and Retreat
Decrease the time it takes to connect deeply and increase the harmony, exchange of love, and fun.
This experience includes:
Relationship exercises to understand yourself and others more deeply.
Partner yoga to find connection through body contact and support, and to keep our bodies healthy.
Tantric meditation breathing techniques to establish depth of presence with yourself and others.
Movement exercises to facilitate harmonious communication.
Training to understand how to increase the flow of love in your life and techniques to do so.